

  • English aesthetic movement of the second half of the 19th century
  • William Morris is considered the father of the Arts & Crafts movement
  • a style of design that looked to handicraft and traditional forms and techniques

  • Industrial Revolution strengthened the British Empire and propelled its economy
  • workers >performed mind-numbing, repetitive tasks, low wages, living in slums.
  • products > shoddily produced, cheap and unimaginative imitations of historical styles.
  • idealized > democratize the arts, to create art "made by people and for the people"

  • he believed that reforming the mode of production and the products of the industrial age would in turn reform society
  • In 1861, Morris' company produced decorative arts like furniture, tapestry and stained glass, with the various artists and craftsmen collaborating together to make things by hand, using traditional methods and materials.
  • simple forms,truth to material, nature as a reference subject
  • his love of country-garden nature and medieval ideals of chivalry, which would recur in his art and his poetry
  • were an inspiring contribution to Art Nouveau artists, such as Victor Horta and Henri van de Velde.
  • He also infused a sense of moral consciousness into the post-industrial design process, raising questions of workers' rights and environmental responsibility

William Morris
- artist, designer, preservationist
- designed Brer Rabbit Wallpaper
- simple form with repetition
- nature (flower) as reference subject
- rendered in warm hues, include borders
- reminiscent of traditional patterns and stencil techniques
- can be used to decorate an entire room, or can be used above a dado rail or can be used on a single wall to create and arts and crafts ambienc

The reason why i choose this wallpaper because 
when i found research in google image, i was attract by the wallpaper, especially i like blue colour.
The wallpaper is fill with flora and fauna, it made me comfortable while i look at this picture.
  • Art Nouveau occurred in 1890-1914 
  • It was a way of thinking about modern society and new production methods. 
  • urban life as we now understand it was established
  • Old customs, habits, and artistic styles sat alongside new, combining a wide range of contradictory images and ideas 
  • It was an attempt to redefine the meaning and nature of the work of art. 
  • Art Nouveau designers also believed that all the arts should work in harmony to create a "total work of art," 
  • in an attempt to combine life and art
  • Art Nouveau is characterized by its elegant decorative style, detailed patterns, curving lines, and art innovation. 
  • By making beauty and harmony a part of everyday life, artists make people's lives better. 
  • Art Nouveau obtained a nickname 'the noodle style' in French, 'Le style nouilles'. 
  • Art Nouveau emphasized handcrafting as opposed to machine manufacturing, the use of new materials. 
  • Art Nouveau artifacts are beautiful objects of art, but not necessarily very functional.

charles rennie mackintosh (1868-1928)
-the Scottish architect and designer
-combining a progressive modernity with the spirit of romanticism
-created many of the best loved and most influential buildings, furniture and decorative
-created a unique and individual style
-geometric forms in place of organic-inspired symbolic decoration.

-size: height 1400mm x depth 35mm x width 42mm
-material:Lacquered ash wood, seat upholstered in leather
-the design was far more important than the function
-the chair was intended more as an art piece than to actually be used as a chair.
-the slender back legs are elliptical in shape with a series of ladder rails linking them together
-the seat pad is also very small to emphasise the chair's fragility.

I choose the chair because it look different with nowadays furniture and it give me simple, elegant, grand mood.
But i pretty sure i will not brought this chair because it will look weird if i sit on it. 



Joy of work

Being a design student,
definitely we have to be creative,
start from research ,analysis, development, mock up ,(redesign) ,final,present!

While in progress, sometime i will face a lot of problem
poor time management cause me almost late submission
redesign/ redo cause me lose confidence
i am glad that my classmates help me a lot
we share our opinion, find out things that should improve and....more

Stay up night become common in our life.
But i really enjoy when i saw the final outcome.
If made me have a great sense of accomplishment,
although it had to spend a lot of money for buying material
(explore and find out the most suitable materials)
stay up at night and only sleep for a while in the morning
(it cause me a dark circles under my eye and pimples)
but every time i saw the outcome i really excited and all this is worth!

i like to share my happiness with other
every time when i  present my work
i hope everyone able to understand my idea/concept
and i very appreciate for every opinion or comment that they gave me
all these will become my future improvement

More over, i like to DIY
although it spends time and energy
but it really a different feeling
when you are holding things that made by YOURSELF
one more reason i like to DIY
i can save some money
and handmade the gift for my friends
(there always love it =D )

So, studying furniture and product is a new challenge for me,
i am sure that we have to design and making prototype
Although sometimes tired but i enjoy it very much
(just like the 3D kites....=P)

some more,
I think I'm a perfectionist and
this made me become very picky on my work!!

Here some artwork i did before in foundation....

-foundation final project

LEFT (the story book)__RIGHT(3D cube puzzle)



-foundation sem3 bazaar



  • between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renascence and the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire 
  • western civilization was at the lowest point 
  • medicine and treatment use of nature was considered black magic 
  • the only people who were literate was clergy 
  • scientific discovery was quashed as heresy 
  • Catholic Church destroyed all the great books of the Greeks and Romans 
  • left Europeans with no knowledge except folk cures 
  • science and mathematics were suppressed 
  • ignored all the European literature and obviously filled with Bible figures. 
  • a time of superstition and ignorance 
  • arts and learning flourished during the middle ages 
  • example: the fabulous cathedrals and churches 

  • lifted the feudalism and creation of the republic 
  • people were able to now explore new ways to live and work 
  • men were given rights and equality 
  • people had the power to overthrow their monarchs 
  • monumental social advancements 
  • an important place in the age of Revolutions and the Enlightenment period (example: American Revolution) 
  • Philosophes like Voltaire and Montesquieu came to life 
  • It also proved that the old regime in France could not work anymore 
  • many of the Enlightened thinkers that inspired the ideas of the revolution 

  • technology forged during the time brought abundant food 
  • more births and fewer deaths, growing economy, and an increase in standard of living 
  • industrial revolution had long term effects, with goals that changed and progressed 
  • resulted in factories 
  • increased manufacturing of goods and a rise in technology 
  • technology changed and developed that made differences to people's lives 

Below are some results of industry revolution:

1. Technology:
  • starting with the printing press 
  • invented in Germany in 1440 
  • used to create copies of the Bible 
  • steam engine-----the major reason that industrial revolution spread 
2. Social: 
  • the Renaissance introduced a new way of thinking 
  • humanism placed the emphasis on the human, rather than God 
  • people moved to the cities 
  • education improved 
  • transport changed - rail and canal networks 
  • warfare became industrialised 
3. Scientific:
  • Copernicus introduced the idea that the earth revolved around the sun, not the opposite and it was radical. 
4. Transportation: 
  • Navigation techniques improved 
  • i was more necessary to find the best trade routes 
  • this led of course to the "discovery" of the Americas. 



I THINK therefore I AM

young Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes in workplace

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
  • French mathematician,writer and philosophy 
  • most important of the western philosophers 
  • Descartes created analytical or coordinate geometry,known as Cartesian geometry 
  • Father of Modern Philosophy 
  • stated,“I think, therefore I am”="Cogito ergo sum" 
  • convinced science and mathematics could be used to explain everything in nature 
  • first describe the physical universe in terms of matter and motion

I think therefore i am

In my mind, if mean that i "exist" in the world, while i thinking, i can not doubt of "I" exist, it is clear therefore reliable facts.

i study design therefore i am

i express therefore i am
i feel therefore i am
i am therefore i am

What i state above is what i think i am
Everyone have a different view for the quote.

As a design student, 
i study, 
i read, 
i design, 
i solve problem.

I design to help and improve community, environment, public and more.

Creative connect with our mind ,
so what we think what we do.

Everyone have their way of thinking it 
and it depends on ours environment and 
acceptance of cultural, 
educational background and other factors.

Different environment created different people, 
different designers have different ways of thinking.

So, what i think are different with other, 
i use my way to design, 
to express,
to communicate and to create.



St Peter

I chose St Peter church because...
when i knew the journal title,
i quickly checked back the history notes that i learnt in foundation year.
The only building that i remember in Baroque era is St Peter.
I think is because of the whole appearance,
the church design was so different.
(i could not imagine how they built and designed it) 

St Peter
Building: Church
Location: Vacation City, surrounded by Rome, Italy
Date: 1546 to 1564 and 1590

The façade of St Peter is an enormous expansion 
of the elements compare with the previous design of church.
The design of St Peter was completed by Gianlorenzo Bernini.

The basic characteristics of Baroque architecture 
may find in St Peter, such as pear shaped domes, 
the façade, large scale ceiling frescoes, 
shell of painting and more.

The most impressive design when I look at St Peter 
was the monumental pizza which in front of the St Peter’s. 
Two huge colonnades reach out from the church to
embrace a huge oval shaped piazza and it expansively 
relates to its environment. 

Besides that, the interiors of church overly ornate and complex.

The gigantic bronze Baldacchino
  • Above the main altar under the dome.
  • 100 feet high
  • as the focus of the church's splendour
  • column decorated with vines
  • four colossal angels standing guard at the four bracket

The Cathedra Petri
  • flying angels and clouds
  • supported by four gilded bronze colossal
  • a burst of light

Here the link about St Peter:



how design inspire your daily life

In my mind, design is everything and it is important in my life.
Learning design is always my dream and now i am go on...

Design can be fashion design, interior design,
graphic design ,animation ,furniture....and more.
without design i think our life
will become bored and even hard!

Let think about it, we use broom in past
but after the invent of vacuum cleaner we have more time
to spend and now even have automatic cleaner~
So, design made life convenient and interesting!

I like surprise ,
especially thing that is creative and multifunction,
they are so impressed in my mind.

To produce a good design, i will always ask myself "5W+1H".
In fact, i like to DIY and enjoy it very much.
There is an indescribable joy when i finished it.

I hope that i can become a true designer someday.
Design things that everyone will like it.

Design is endless, so the only thing that
i can do is keep it up and do my best.

The website which inspire me a lot is a facebook page :
Creative & Innovative DesignsCreative & Innovative Designs
(i always check the latest wall post on there=D)